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Attempting To Escape To Australia: Need Help


April 3, 2022 8:30am

Dear friends, I inform you that everything is fine and we are safe.

Roxy plays on her favorite soft peach blanket. I am preparing to leave. My father, sister and Corrie are fine too.

While there is still time before the return of Russian troops near Kyiv, I need to resolve several issues. One of the main ones is how to transfer Roxy to Australia. We have already consulted with friends from Australia. We have already received some information and links. However, there is no clear picture and we realized that there are a lot of myths around the importation of pet cockatoos into Australia.

As a lawyer, I understand that there is an exception for each Law (Rule), in addition, you can get a separate permit in an individual case, incl. judgment.

Therefore, I will ask for the help of the collective mind, everyone who can give ideas. What we need to know:

1. Which Australian government agency (federal or in each state) has the competence to control the importation of pets (parrots) into Australia, namely the state of NSW?

2. Does the government of Australia or a particular Australian state have the right to issue individual permits for the importation of a particular parrot into Australia, the city of Sydney?

3. Are there exceptions, including humanitarian ones (war, threat of death, etc.), that can be cited in an application for permission to bring a particular parrot into Australia?

4. There are authoritative organizations in Australia for the protection of parrots, pets, incl. professional associations of veterinarians who can be contacted for Roxy's help and support?

5. Which of the reputable international organizations for the protection of parrots can help us or be interested in saving Roxy?

6. Are there animal advocates in Australia who can help with our issue?

7. Are there any successful introductions of pet cockatoos or other parrots in Australia? If yes, where can you find them?

8. What is the procedure for crossing the Australian border (by plane) with a companion animal, which is necessary for emotional support?

9. What risks can there be for the bird if the border guards (other official bodies) consider that the documents provided for the parrot are insufficient or incorrect?

Once again, I note that Roxy is a Moluccan cockatoo and her hatching date is April 10, 2017. She has a permanent ring on her leg. We have a DNA test, an agreement on its purchase, several veterinary opinions on its examination, as well as a veterinary passport issued in Ukraine. We will do other documents in one of the European countries when we leave Ukraine.

Anyone who has information about Australia, has ideas, or knows people who can help, please send me a private message.

I am ready to fight for Roxy's right to live and be safe. Perhaps there is an opportunity to sign some kind of petition or public support, contact the Australian or international media.

I never give up and I know that there are many good people in Australia who will not let this furry angel die.

Thanks in advance to everyone for help. XoXo

Best wishes,

Sergii & Roxy


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12 Komentar

Deanna Beardsworth
Deanna Beardsworth
05 Apr 2022

Hi Sergi, it's so good to hear from you. I would concentrate on your move to Europe first perhaps and decide from there when your surroundings are less tense and you can do more research And planning. Something that comes to mind is I have known 3 different situations here in the US where people wanted to visit or move to Australia from the US with their birds and move back home. In all 3 different instances, the families discovered that it was very hard to get the birds to Australia, not impossible but very, very difficult. The bad thing was that you absolutely cannot take your bird to Australia and bring them back to the US. I believe t…

05 Apr 2022
Membalas kepada

Lovely message Deanna. I absolutely agree with you. I know from the personal experience of one of my very close friends that dealing with different governments on importing pet birds can be very challenging, expensive, a very long process with much red tape.. Still no final outcome. I would hope there would be more consideration due to Sergii's particular unique situation.


04 Apr 2022

is there potentially another to get to Australia?


PJ Hulme
PJ Hulme
04 Apr 2022

Additionally comment: I understand your first move to a new base in Europe may be to Hungary. There are organisations that will arrange for the importation of pets when people emigrate. It may be worth contacting such an organisation. As long as you have the relevant veterinary documentation they should be able to help.


PJ Hulme
PJ Hulme
04 Apr 2022

I have asked friend and relatives I have in Australia and researched on the internet. It seems the only way you can take Roxy to Australia is via New Zealand. This is the only country that Australia allows domestic birds to be brought into the country. This obviously complicates your move however once you get to your new base in Europe it may be easy to organise this. Tracey Jameson has already commented on this.

Tracey Jamieson
Tracey Jamieson
05 Apr 2022
Membalas kepada

This doesn't worry me. We have contacts in NZ and can organise this from Hungary. If a vet signs off her paperwork in Hungary, we can organise something on this end with someone in NZ to have her signed off there. I am happy to travel to NZ if needs be to go get her or organise it. When she is signed off with having been in NZ with someone, she can travel to Sydney without being quarantined.


Tracey Jamieson
Tracey Jamieson
04 Apr 2022

Sergii, there is a lot to consider but it's not impossible and like I said, if we have to bring her in via NZ, then it might have to be that way and have someone sign for her there to bring her through to say she has been in NZ. Either way, we will make it happen and we have plenty of time when you are in Hungary. A step at a time.

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