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Everything Goes According To Plan


Our news: Tuesday, March 29, 2022, Kyiv


Yesterday brought a lot of good news. Moreover, the main news was the delivery of our order to ensure the departure of Roxy and Corrie from Kyiv to a safe place.

Thanks to the help of Tracey Jamieson and everyone who donated and simply supported or prayed for us, we were able to order and successfully deliver 2 travel cages, parrot food and treats, perches, and toys for Roxy and Corrie to Hungary. With the money raised in the fund, our new hero from Australia, Tracey, was able to order all this treasure and send it by express delivery from Germany to Budapest to my friend.

Something strange is happening. For the past five years, most of the significant and successful events in my life have been connected with Australia. This “country of parrots” and kind people does not leave me even now. Is this some kind of sign? In any case, our efficient team has created a new channel for the delivery of bird products to Ukraine. Now my fluffy princesses will be able to comfortably survive a long and dangerous journey by car. Now I have 3 plans to leave Kyiv and possibly Ukraine. As long as I can go beyond Europe.

Yesterday my new veterinarian from Lviv sent me veterinary passports and other documents for Roxy and Corrie to cross the border with Hungary. It is there that we will have to draw up CITES and other documents for the export of Roxy to Australia.

Unfortunately, my father won't be able to fly anytime soon (he has heart problems) and wants to stay with Corrie and his sister in Europe. My father still does not have a passport to travel abroad. So we might have to split up. We can go with Roxy to Australia or the US (I have both visas now). I ask the group members to give recommendations on the preparation of documents for Roxy to Australia and the USA from Hungary. I have received offers of help in the past. Sweden is no longer relevant, as Hungary will be the first EU country whose border we will cross.

As I understand it, it is in Hungary that CITES and other documents will need to be issued. I also plan to buy a transparent plastic travel box for the plane that Roxy is transporting. In one of the first comments I will post his photo. Maybe someone has experience using it in an airplane.

On Roxy's condition: The fluffy princess wanted to bathe today and I will arrange a bath for her in the near future. She's getting ready to meet a Netflix producer who's interested in our story and wants to include Roxy, the bravest cockatoo, in a new documentary. The producer and operator will be with us in the next few days. I want to show him the Kyiv zoo and the destruction in the city. Roxy quickly bounces back and barely reacts to the shelling, which hasn't stopped despite talks in Turkey.

About my condition:

I have practically recovered, I even got used to sleeping 5-6 hours a day.

About the situation in Kyiv:

life in the city is becoming more active. Thousands of refugees from nearby towns and villages come to the city. The capital of Ukraine has the best air defense system and is now relatively safe here.

I send love, luck and life energy to everyone! Please keep praying for us and just wishing good luck! It really works and we are lucky. XoXo

Best wishes,

Sergii & Roxy


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Mar 31, 2022


Sergii, please know that, as soon as these carriers get slightly bumped against something, they break and crack, leaving birds potentially at risk of taking off, flying away. These carriers are not worth risking losing your bird, plus because they are clear, Roxy may feel unprotected, unable to hide from whatever the environment may bring her way during transport.

Sergii, I hope you will see this note. The last thing I want is hardships in your journey, it’s tough enough as it is.

To anyone reading this… if you see that Sergii has not read this note, please copy and paste in the comment section of his future posts, so the important info eventually reaches…

Deanna Beardsworth
Deanna Beardsworth
Apr 02, 2022
Replying to

I think he got this one for Roxy and Corry. I looked up the labeling on the box.


Mar 31, 2022

I want to say I am so sorry about your friend. I am also sad you are in a position that you have to make the decision to leave your home. I have never been put in this position. I can only imagine how difficult this is. Blessings to you and your country.


Deanna Beardsworth
Deanna Beardsworth
Mar 31, 2022

This update is truly refreshing as there is a part of me that holds my breath and will continue to do so until you, your family and the birds are SAFELY on the other side of the border. We all breathed a sigh of relief and did a happy dance. This post was the best news yet!! I pray that your journey to your destination is uneventful and goes completely as planned. A HUGE THANK YOU to Tracey for her diligence in getting you what you need. Please don't let your guard down and keep the updates coming as well as the pictures of your gorgeous princess Roxy. Take care Sergii.

Tracey Jamieson
Tracey Jamieson
Mar 31, 2022
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Thank you so much, I am extremely touched and blessed to be able to help. This was a joint effort but if we could take the burden off someone together by organising things across the world to make their life a little easier, then that's what we need to do.


PJ Hulme
PJ Hulme
Mar 30, 2022

I’m so pleased to hear that the funds that were donated have been able to help you with your exit plans. I hope you can go soon and keep safe on the journey. I’m sorry to hear that you will have to split up but hopefully you will all be safe wherever you settle. Prayers and thoughts as always.


Mar 30, 2022

What a brilliant post to see today. All those supplies are wonderful. Thank you Tracey and everyone involved in the amazing work in getting these supplies secured and delivered.

We are all so hopeful you can secure your future in a safer place. You deserve to be safe and I hope your family can also arrange safe passage elsewhere.

The Netflix news is also pretty amazing. You write so articulately and eloquently - so many people across the world want to hear your story of what has happened. The horrors of what has been done must be told.

It would be lovely to give Roxy a spa treatment in preparation! ;)

Sending all my best wishes and love.

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