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Humanitarian Difficulties And A Friend Lost


Our news: 28-29 March 2022, Kyiv

First of all, I inform you that everything is fine and we are safe. This is thanks to your support and prayers.

On Monday, March 28, 2022, I was able to get my bird feed lists in order. Many owners said they received feed from other organizations. However, there is not much food, some received one pack each, which is enough for a month. How long the siege of Kyiv and the war will last no one knows. Therefore, the sending and distribution of humanitarian aid will be relevant for some time. Everyone's supplies are depleted, and if the war continues, the scale of the humanitarian catastrophe will increase.

When communicating, I noticed that many Ukrainians are losing faith that everything will end well. They need support. Many withdraw into themselves and simply do not want to communicate.

Yesterday I learned that one of my colleagues from the Medical Lawyers Committee, who went to the front, was seriously injured. His leg and arm were amputated, and he also lost an eye. Doctors try to save him, but he is very badly burned. This guy is only 27 years old. Military operations are carried out by the Russians very harshly. Ukrainian positions are fired upon by powerful artillery equipment and the soldiers have practically no chance of surviving such shelling. This is not a classic military tactic.

On Roxy's condition: Roxy already had breakfast and went for a walk. She almost does not react to shelling. If the roar is strong, then it immediately flies to me.

About my condition: I’m fine. I've been volunteering since morning. I also do not forget about preparations for leaving Kyiv. Yesterday I got all the basic documents for the departure of Roxy and Corrie from Ukraine. However, for Australia, we will do the documents in one of the European countries. We decided yesterday that my dad and sister will stay in Europe for a while. Only I have an Australian visa. Yes, I know how I can legally leave Ukraine. While I am waiting for the documents, I want to bring maximum benefit to my country.

About the situation in Kyiv: Some shops, pharmacies and even hairdressers began to open in the city. However, there are very few goods and services, as well as personnel. A lot of people left Kyiv and therefore it is very difficult to find staff. I saw for the first time yesterday an open cafe, where there were several visitors. Life always finds a way. I will report on significant events in future posts.

Perhaps later I will tell you about the tragedy that happened in my cottage town. I talked with several neighbors who escaped and were able to evacuate to Kyiv. They traveled from the cottage town to Kyiv on foot for almost two days (the town is located 19 km from Kyiv and usually it takes only 30 minutes to get there). For now, I don't want to shock you. Maybe I'd better write about it in my book.

Sending love and good luck to everyone! XoXo

Best wishes,

Sergii & Roxy


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Dawn Martinson
Dawn Martinson
Mar 30, 2022

Sergii, I am so sorry about your friend. My heart breaks for him, his family and you. I pray that you. Roxy, your sister, dad and Corrie escape soon. Thank you for your update. I worry if we don't hear from you. Stay strong!


Mar 29, 2022

Thank you for keeping in


PJ Hulme
PJ Hulme
Mar 29, 2022

So sorry to hear about your colleague. This awful conflict is bringing such pain and suffering! I hope you are able to make your escape with Roxy as soon as possible. In the meantime keep safe and my prayers and thoughts are with you.


Mar 29, 2022

My condolences for your colleague. Normal people being killed in the most needless and cruel way. I wish it would end. I hope you can escape Sergii.

I read more-and-more of the horrors everyday and it is hard to keep seeing this. I cannot imagine actually being on the front line like you are.

All my love and thoughts.


Anne Chaitin
Anne Chaitin
Mar 29, 2022

Oh sergii, I have no words. I hope you are able to leave soon. Then I will breathe a sigh of relief. Until then I send prayers every moment of every day.

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