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Need to keep calm


Updated: May 6, 2022

Our news: Saturday, April 23 - Sunday, April 24, Kyiv

All this time we are experiencing deprivation. However, the biggest loss for me is the feeling of calm and peace. The anxiety that we constantly experience does not allow us to perceive reality normally. Even when there is no shelling and a day off, a sunny day, there is no guarantee that it is really quiet and relaxing. This anxiety destroys everything, destroys all the colors of life, and drowns out all feelings.

Considering that this weekend was the Orthodox Easter holiday, we planned the first family meeting in these two months. My father, my sister, and I agreed to meet at my mother's grave. In March, we could not visit the cemetery on the day of her death.

On Saturday, April 23rd my sister baked a small cake that my mother loved and we also bought her favorite flowers. On Sunday, for the first time, we all got together and visited my mother. It was a sunny day and there was no shelling at all. However, this silence still does not give calm. I was amazed that we all aged a lot, probably by five years.

For a long time, I began to notice that all the people around me began to look much older. Now I realized that this also affected our family. My father was quite cheerful all these days, only once he showed emotions. And the second time it happened yesterday at the cemetery. However, I have not had any emotions for a long time. I just hold on and support others.

Everyone wonders why I'm always so calm. However, I also do not have peace, there are simply no feelings anymore.

On Roxy's condition: This year I saw what hormonal behavior is. It's time to grow up for Roxy too. It is unfortunate that this is happening this spring. This is a double load. Yesterday my princess did not want to go into the cage in the evening for a very long time. She screamed loudly and showed aggression. Chamomile tea no longer helps.

About the situation in Kyiv:

There is still no heat and it is very cold in the houses at night. There are more people and cars on the streets of the city. Many residents of Kyiv were in churches and cemeteries this weekend. We all hope for a miracle, but it hasn't happened yet.

Thanks for your support and prayers. We send you love and hope! XoXo

P.S. Thank God that this Good Friday there were only minor annoyances, without bad consequences.

Best wishes,

Sergii & Roxy


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5 comentários

Tracey Jamieson
Tracey Jamieson
26 de abr. de 2022

Thanks for the update. I can't even imagine how bad your anxiety levels must be and the toll it would take on your body. Living under those circumstances and stress would be so hard. I always feel guilty for enjoying things that others can't over there.


PJ Hulme
PJ Hulme
25 de abr. de 2022

I pray that these fearful days will return to normal soon for you and for all of Ukraine. I am pleased that your family were able to meet up but sad that the stress will not allow you to feel joy. I hope you, Roxy and your family can make your exit to safety soon. Prayers and thoughts for you all.


25 de abr. de 2022

I cannot begin to imagine how you must feel even in the apparent quiet times; the foreboding dread must weigh like a huge dark cloud over you.

I am not surprised you are seeing peoples' faces aging from the stress and extreme worry and hardships you are all suffering.

I am glad you and your family could visit your mother's grave - so much you take for granted has been taken including visits like those.

It is a shame Roxy is at the age where hormones are causing problems; you could both do with not having that added obstacle. I am not sure if there are things that can help to reduce issues. My African Grey can get quite aggressive…


Donna Rosenberg
Donna Rosenberg
25 de abr. de 2022

So glad you posted. I have been worried about you. Ukraine is not on the news as much, not showing blow by blow coverage. I heard that they planned on reopening the embassy there, maybe today. So I thought Kyiv was still relatively ok. However when I checked online sources it shows Kyiv being hit pretty hard & thousands of vehicles trying to get out & across a border. A journalist said he had been in the car for 10 hrs & not gotten to far. I had hoped that you did not post because you were busy getting to safety. Idk what has been happening but I do so hope you have not given up that idea. I am…


Theresa Martin
Theresa Martin
25 de abr. de 2022

Sending lots of love, hugs, prayers and positive thoughts. It’s ok to feel not at peace. This is human.. this is life. It’s good that you realize your emotions or lack of emotions. This enables you to apply healing techniques like prayer, meditation, time with nature etc, to help you maintain a healthy mental state. Your helping others is a healthy way of healing your spirit! I pray that God can heal your heart and mind from all of these trials but it’s healthy to give yourself time to embrace your fears and emotions because feeling them is healthy too.

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