Friends, a miracle happened! I have antibiotics and additional lung medications. Half an hour ago, my neighbor knocked on my door and asked for food. I gave her some food and asked about medicines. She said that she had left her husband's medicine, who had recently been ill with Covid. She agreed to change her medication for two carrots. Now I have medicines.
Your prayers really work. All other options didn't work. Volunteers were unable to deliver an antibiotic to my house. God help your prayers too! I love you all!
P.S. It's not safe to stay in the city and I have a plan for me and Roxy to get out. I will inform you later. I need the help of friends from Australia and some other country on the border with Ukraine. We can’t go through Poland, because there all the men are not allowed out and are immediately taken into the militia. It could be Moldova or Romania. I need to know how to bring parrots to Australia. Please help!!!
Romania, Czech Republic, Lithuania, Slovenia, Hungary and Poland have all relaxed their restrictions on pets, meaning refugees from Ukraine can take animals with them. In Poland there is even funding available for accommodation and vaccination of pets, making things even easier for families travelling with animals.
Romanian animal rescue charity Casa Lui Patrocle, which is based in the city of Suceava, around 25 miles from the Ukraine border, vowed to help families fleeing with their pets, writing in a Facebook post that it would provide veterinary assistance to anyone who entered the country.
Prayers are going up and out all OVER the U.S. for the Ukranians🙏❤ many of us can do NOTHING ELSE, but we can surely PRAY. So much love in our hearts for Sergii and Roxy and all in such a terrible situation..