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Taking A Peek Outside At The Awful New "Normal"


Updated: Mar 10, 2022

Our news: Tuesday, March 8, 2022, Kyiv, day 13

We are alive and safe.

Yesterday I had problems with the Internet and electricity again. In addition, many people have come to me for help. Everyone's questions are different. Someone needs medicine, someone does not know how best to cross the border, and someone has lost relatives and friends. I was even contacted by my foreign clients from UK who ask to help their surrogate mother. Yesterday I noticed that I don't have enough time. Random help begins with conversations and messages from all my friends and acquaintances with questions about how they survived the night and whether they are needed. War is completely changed by people. We all became a big family.

With the battery limit, I immediately left all my affairs and therefore could not answer everyone yesterday. Yesterday I saw a fragment of an air battle between Ukrainian and Russian fighter planes. I don’t know how it ended, because the speed of the planes is very high and they were over our house for only a few seconds. Then I learned from the news that yesterday the valiant Ukrainian army shot down two more Russian planes over Kiev.

The situation in Kyiv:

after several days of shock and despair, as well as the last days of relative calm, everything in the city comes to life. I see from the window that people are appearing on the street. From the district chat ywe can find out where they sell bread and even some other products. Several humanitarian convoys with food came to Kyiv and it became easier to get food.

There remains a problem with medicines and cash, especially in areas where there are no large stores. They don't exist in my area either. It is in large stores that you can now withdraw cash from cards directly at the checkout. Buses go to the big shops because the cars have become useless and even cause problems. There is very little petrol in the city. It is given to the military and police. Only at a few gas stations will civilians be able to buy 20 liters of gasoline. For those who leave the city, there are several gas stations at the exit.

A lot of Kyiv residents stayed and will not leave under any circumstances. I’m not sure yet that I will leave, as my father and sister have changed their mind again and do not want to leave. In addition, yesterday I was busy helping people all day and realized that I can do a lot for my country in Kyiv.

On Roxy's condition: Roxy was lucky and very busy yesterday. She walked and played all day. Roxy has already fully adapted to the war. She is still afraid of fighter jets that fly noisily over the house. Yesterday I let her go for a walk from lunch and only at 20:30 put her in a cage. All day she played with her toys on the floor and on the play stand. I was there all the time and she remained calm. I have already learned how to solve a lot of issues from home and now I have deja vu. All this is reminiscent of a first lockdown.

About my condition:

it became easier, but yesterday the level of sugar rose a little. My mood has improved as I feel useful.

I don't know the details of Corrie's day, but my dad says she's fine. My dad and sister are fine too.

Your wishes and prayers help us a lot and we can hold on for a long time. All Ukrainians are grateful to the United States, European countries, Australia, Asia and others for their help and support, as well as sanctions against Russia and Russians.

Sanctions are now not only at the state level, but even at the personal level, the Russians felt that the evil must be punished. I’m sure that God will not leave Ukraine and me. I love everyone very much. XoXo


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Mar 09, 2022

Sergii your strength is remarkable! You have such a kind, caring, loving soul. I am so glad you both are ok, your posts/messages are such a relief to me. My thoughts and prayers as always will be with you, Roxy, family, friends and country. Please stay safe. Please let me know if I can be of any kind of help to you. ❤🙏🤗


Mar 09, 2022

I am so relieved when a message appears from you. Roxy seems a real gift and I am sure she must help you through a day.

I hope you continue to be safe and you are able to get the supplies you need. I cannot get my head around the decisions you face on a daily, if not, hourly basis.

My thoughts continue to be with you and your country.

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Anne Chaitin
Anne Chaitin
Mar 09, 2022

I wish I could do more than hope, pray and send you good thoughts. It's sad and amazing how Roxy has adapted. You are an inspiration as well as all Ukrainians. Prayers

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