Monday 18 April - Tuesday 19 April 2022, Kyiv
First of all, I want to thank you all for the many numbers of Easter greetings. It was wonderful
and we are very grateful to all of you!
After Easter, working days began, but Ukraine celebrates 2 Easters, and this week will also not be easy.
Today I received a message that I need to pick up a parcel with a cage at the post office. It's a big cage for Corrie. We will use this cage when we move to Western Ukraine. Still waiting for a big cage for Roxy. We have a difficult route and that's why there are so many steps. However, we are succeeding.
On Roxy's condition:
The fluffy princess loves Easter very much, as she gets a whole chicken egg in the shell and a piece of Easter cake. This time everything was more modest, but the bird got everything she loves, even new toys and sweets.
About the situation in Kyiv:
Artillery shelling of the city has not stopped yet, but there are not as many of them as before. However, people continue to die. We are in a relatively safe area, where there are no military (?) or other important objects, but we do not forget about caution.
Yesterday in Kyiv snow fell again, which melted almost immediately, but it was very cold. Spring is not in a hurry to come this year.
Thanks again to all of you for your support and prayers! We send you love and happiness! XoXo
Best wishes,
Sergii & Roxy
I'm happy to hear that you and the princess had a relatively good Easter. Those cages can't arrive soon enough so you, the birds and your family can get out of harms way. It's difficult knowing you are in constant danger as we watch from afar, but can't begin to understand what life is like where you are. We are proud of your resilience through all of this ... perhaps that is not the correct word as the trauma that this war has caused the people of Ukraine is unfathomable to those of us who have never experienced it. Praying that your supplies arrive soon and you all safely execute your exit from there. Take Care.
I am so pleased and relieved that you both remain safe. I hope things continue to work out for you in these difficult upcoming days. It still breaks my heart after all these weeks that you and your country have suffered this.
I am sure that next Easter Roxy will be able to enjoy more treats - it is so nice you are doing your best to provide for her during all these awful events.
I hope things are able to go as smoothly as possible and you are able to get the cage for Corrie.
I am always thinking of you all. Much love. ❤
I am pleased to hear that you are all OK. We have regular news updates in the UK and see that the Russians have renewed the shelling of Kyiv. I hope you can progress your plans quickly and get to Western Ukraine. Please continue to be cautious and keep safe. Prayers and thoughts for you, Roxy and all your family and friends.