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Waiting To Part With Everything I Love


Our news: May 23 - 29, 2022, Kyiv


Another week of waiting has ended. I no longer know what I expect, since life seems to have stopped for us, and time has stopped. Yes, this week exactly 3 months have passed since our life lost its colors and goals. We are in a small boat that has drifted far from the shore. We are still trying to find an opportunity to maneuver and sail to a new shore. The chances of returning to their native harbor are almost gone. Alas, but Ukraine has almost no chance to escape. Russian troops are slowly and totally destroying everything on our land. It is already hard to believe that it will be possible to restore the once flourishing country of happy people. Only now many have realized how happy they were and how much they had.


Also, the expectation causes me other pain, I understand that soon I will have to part with my world, country, relatives, friends and even ... with Roxy. Moreover, this week I noticed that she understands that soon we will have to leave. She really needed to communicate with me. I let her walk most of the day. Roxy plays with her toys, chews on her chest of drawers, destroys boxes, but it doesn't seem to bring her joy. She constantly calls me. She wants me to be there and watch her. Previously, she liked to destroy everything quietly, without witnesses. And now, she is looking for an opportunity to be with me every minute. She loves to grab my little finger with her paw and hold me for a very long time. Just like it was in the first two weeks of the war. She understands everything and I don't know how I can leave her with my sister and father. We will not be able to leave all together, but I don’t know what will happen next. According to the plan that is now possible, I must leave before everyone else.

About the situation in Kyiv:

this week the city celebrated 1540 years. This is one of the most ancient Slavic cities. This city has seen a lot and was completely destroyed by the invaders many times. Many are now concerned about the threat of nuclear bombing. The Russians do not rule out such a scenario if they fail to take over Ukraine. So far, however, the Russians have been successfully advancing in the east and south of Ukraine. Unfortunately, the supply of new weapons (it is very slow) does not deter them.

Starting next Tuesday, I signed up for a writing course because I want my book to be written more professionally. Also next week, a cage for Roxy should finally arrive. We stay in touch and continue to hope for the best. I send love and hope to everyone. We thank everyone for the prayers and support for us. XOXO

Best wishes,

Sergii & Roxy


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Jun 03, 2022

The world is still with Ukraine, as we are for you, Roxie, and your family. I have never been thrown into a situation where I have to be uprooted. Not only is it your home, it's your culture and comfort. I can only imagine. I believe as you our animal friends understand. Hopefully Roxie will understand its temporary. Please let us know how we can further help you. I know the donations are helping and Tracy is doing a great job.

Jun 03, 2022
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Finally got into the site


May 31, 2022

Hi, Sergii-

My heart just sinks. You have to do whatever will work for you and your family, things are hard, and hard decisions have to be made. Sometimes the best choice is the best of the worst available, and all choices are bad. None of the choices of are your making, only the solution. You have the a good part of the world rooting for you, and your family, please do what you have to in order to get out. Right now, one foot in front of the other, one minute to the next. Breathe. Try not to look at everything, but focus on the things you have to- there will be time for all other things later on.…


Deanna Beardsworth
Deanna Beardsworth
May 31, 2022

I'm speechless. I can't imagine you leaving without the Princess. I hope first you make sure she is socialized with your sister and father and they can handle her. She is your companion and when you leave, she may act very differently towards them. I hope everyone is prepared for that possibility. I hope you find a different plan and she goes with you. Take care Sergii.


PJ Hulme
PJ Hulme
May 31, 2022

It is so sad that you will have to leave Roxy behind. I just pray that it will be safe for her, you and all your family and friends. Hopefully you can be reunited as soon as possible. I also pray that this pointless war will end soon although it seems that the evil dictator will not cease until someone or something stops him permanently! Please keep hope and my thoughts and prayers are with you.


May 31, 2022

After reading this, my heart just sank, Sergii…the thought of you parting with Roxy leaves me so sad, and very unsure of what’s going to happen to the both of you…Ukraine is still under attack every day, and the future looks dim for everyone, but hopefully in Roxy’s perspective, she will understand that you are not going to be away from her for anymore than time allows you both being together again…it will be a period of adjustment, and doing the steps needed to insure her safety to a future with you again..Do what you must do..and I will continue to send prayers to you, Roxy, and your family…🙏🕊🙏🕊❤️

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