Our news: Monday, April 4, 2022, Kyiv
Monday turned out to be a very difficult day and did not bring the expected results. The main event of this day was to be obtaining permission to leave Ukraine at the military commissariat. I prepared all the necessary documents and went to the interview. However, I had to wait the whole day for the commissioner, and he never received me. The leadership of the commissariat was at a meeting at the headquarters of the Armed Forces of Ukraine in the first half of the day, and in the afternoon they canceled the reception on personal matters. A new wave of mobilization is planned in the city and the military is very busy planning this event. We need to wait.
I received several important letters today regarding support for Roxy's move to Australia from several international organisations. I also paid attention to the study of Australian legislation regarding the importation of parrots. I saw several opportunities that need to be worked out more seriously.
All day today I was with emotions about the atrocities that were revealed after the departure of the Russian invaders from the suburbs of Kyiv. In particular, several neighbors were able to move into our cottage town today. The town survived, although several houses were damaged. The Russians robbed many houses and also smashed windows and doors in almost every house. I don't know anything about my house. In our village, all the people remained alive. In neighboring towns, everything is much worse: almost all houses were burned and destroyed, residents and animals were killed.
In our cottage town, in addition to dogs, peacocks and pheasants suffered. The Russians killed and ate them, the same fate befell the decorative pigeons. It's good that I was in Kyiv. They could have eaten Roxy too.
All of Ukrainian and the world are now discussing the terrible footage of the shot and raped residents of Bucha and Gostomel, as well as the cellars for torture and mass graves of civilians. This is the fate of the inhabitants of the cities and villages of Ukraine occupied by Russians.
We all now understand how dangerous it is to remain in the city when the Russian troops return to Kyiv. We have about a month to leave Ukraine.
Today I managed to forward the parcels (including cages, documents and feed) to another post office, since the one indicated in the shipment has not yet been opened.
On Roxy's condition: The fluffy princess was in a bad mood this morning because she was cold. Our heating does not work and today the room was only 14 degrees. I turned on the heater and Roxy's mood improved a lot. Also, Roxy was interested in a video with a ballet, which was dedicated especially for us. Thanks to Amy Amustela Kirwan! It's very touching. The performance took place in the USA and the audience was announced that the dance was dedicated to Roxy and me, as well as other Ukrainians.
About my condition:
I'm doing well, but the cough hasn't gone away yet. My father, sister and Corrie are fine too.
On the situation in Kyiv: A lot of people began to return to the city. There were a lot of cars on the streets, and this is not very good, since there are almost no food supplies left, and the passage of checkpoints began to take even more time.
Our mayor Klychko asks not to return to the city, but the people do not listen. The military says that it is impossible to return, since the Russians can take the city under a new blockade in just a few weeks. People are tired and want to be at home.
Last Saturday, the sale of alcohol was allowed and many residents of Kyiv opened champagne to celebrate the lifting of the blockade. I understand that this is premature.
Please don't stop praying and supporting us. I love you all and send good luck. XoXo
Best wishes,
Sergii & Roxy
Thanks for the update again Sergii, we keep on praying for you!
Hopefully, you and Roxy can escape soon from this horror 🤞🍀🙏🍀🍀🍀🙏🍀🤞🍀🍀
I hope you are able to meet up with the commissioner to do all the things needed to aid in your escape. I am keeping my fingers crossed that everything can be sorted for you and Roxy. It must seem like a Mount Everest climb to reach the top of all the things you have to prepare and research.
Poor Roxy - she is keeping strong and must be completely aware of the massive changes that have happened. These birds are such delicate and sensitive souls.
The ballet dedictated to you both is such a sweet and thoughtful touch. Thank you to everyone that has done their bit for you in these past 6 weeks. It makes me feel better…
These atrocities committed by Russians have the attention of the world and at some stage I am sure there will be a price to pay by Putin and all those that support his evil regime. I am so sorry you did not get to progress your exit plans. That is frustrating but I am sure you will succeed in due course. I am also sorry to hear that your heating does not work and this has a negative effect on Roxy. I know my own three parrots do not respond well to the cold. Please keep well and safe and I look forward to hearing your success in progressing your exit plans. Prayers and thoughts for you all!
Hi Sergii, please see my message on your previous post. I'm so sorry that the Russians are so barbaric and have no regard for any life other than their own. Please stay safe and well and keep the Princess warm. We worry, but are grateful every day for a picture and a message of hope from you. Take care Sergii.
Oh Sergii I am so sick to my stomach about the animals. I truly hope you can get everything in order and get out of there as quickly as possible. My heart and thoughts go out to you and to Roxy. As always many prayers.